Is Juicing ok?

Liliana Alvarez
2 min readMar 18, 2019

I tried taking shortcuts…I was juicing!

As vegans or vegetarians, juicing seems to be a perfect fit. All it requires is fruit and veggies.

It sounds so easy right? I can just thrown-in all my veggies and fruits in a blender, get my fiber for the day, be out the door in no time.

I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but you cannot drink your fiber and calories and expect to not get hungry again in a 2 hours.

Keep in mind that I’m not saying that you can never juice, I myself still do it sometimes, it tastes good and it is definitely better than eating a breakfast sandwich from a fast food restaurant, but there is wrong and right way to do it.

This is what we will dig in deeper today.

Don’t Drink Your Calories

Ok, so here is the funny thing. While I thought that by juicing I would be getting more fiber in my diet, I was in fact, REMOVING THE FIBER.

Shocking! I know! Juicing actually removes the fiber from fruit and veggies. And it doesn’t just remove the fiber, but also other nutrients as well.

To learn more on this topic, Click Here to watch a video from Dr. Greger. He explains the issue more in depth.

So of course my cravings were continuing. I wasn’t getting the fiber I needed in my body, and on top of it all, I was drinking my calories!

Think about it. You are drinking your meals!

How much apple juice would you have to drink so that it makes you as full as actually eating the apple?

The truth is that you will end up consuming more calories by drinking apple juice than if you actually just ate the whole apple.

Liquids empty out of your stomach faster. You could be sipping HUNDREDS of calories everyday!

When you are trying to lose weight, it is better to just eat whole foods.

If you enjoy juicing and maybe have seen results from it, allow me to suggest to eat something that has either protein or fat along with your juice. Because the juice is not providing either.

You could either throw in some vegan protein powder or some coconut oil into your juice (although oil is not something I recommend if you are trying to lose weight).

The reason is because the protein or healthy fat will slow down how quickly your body is breaking the fruit into sugar, and lowers the glycemic load.

Your Do To Today: in order to keep yourself full and stop the cravings, don’t drink your calories. Eat the whole foods instead!



Liliana Alvarez

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