Why You Should Be Eating Beans To Lose Weight!

Liliana Alvarez
3 min readMar 11, 2019

Eating beans is not a subject many of us like to talk about because of the side effects, if you know what I mean *wink* *wink*

Whenever I tell my coworkers or friends how they should be eating more beans, I always get the same response “they give me gas” or “they make me bloated”.

I cannot argue against that.

However if you follow some of the tips I will give you later on, they will help you alleviate those side effects or even get rid of them once and for all.

But first let’s talk about the benefits of eating beans, and why you as a vegan who is trying to lose weight should be eating them!

Beans will indirectly help you lose weight because of their fiber content.

Beans are composed of fiber and healthy starches. That means that they will keep you full for a longer period of time, reduce your cravings, and therefore you won’t over eat. Pretty cool, right?

Where do you get your protein from?

Aren’t you tired of hearing that question over and over again? I certainly am. As vegans, it’s important that we know how to answer. And if beans was never on the list of your response, well now you can add it.

Yes, beans are a great source of protein. And not only does protein also help in keeping you feeling full longer, but protein can also boost your metabolism.

Other than the fiber and protein content, beans are also known to have many other health benefits such as better heart health, improving gut health, and even prevent diabetes.

Are you convinced to start eating beans yet?

I hope so. If you are, you might now be wondering “ok so how do I get rid of the gas and bloating beans cause me so I can get all these great benefits?”

I’m glad you asked! Here are my top tips:

  1. Start out slowly: don’t try and eat a 2–3 cup of beans all at one time. Start out with 1/4 of beans or less, and each week gradually increase the amount you are eating. Is not that your body doesn’t like beans and never will, it is just not used to them. Give it time.
  2. Chew more: by breaking down the beans in your mouth better you are helping your body not have to work as hard to break down the beans further once they are inside your body. This along with some enzymes we have in our saliva will help reduce the gas and bloating.
  3. Prepare your beans well: if you buy canned beans you need to rinse them before you consume them. And if you decide to make beans from scratch (the healthier option), then you need to make sure you soak the beans in hot water for several hours before you cook them.
  4. Lentils might do it: the gas we experience after eating legumes is a by-product of the bacterial fermentation of certain large sugar molecules found in beans. But some types legumes are higher in these sugars than others, and lentils are among the lowest.
  5. If all else fails: there are products out in the market that you can buy that contain a natural food enzyme that helps prevent gas before it starts. It works with your body’s digestion to break down the complex carbohydrates in gassy foods. However, if you decide to go this route, I would advise you to do ample research on the product first.
  6. Embrace it: you might lose a few friends (JK), but like I said, it will eventually pass.

If I’m being honest with you, I’ve never had gas or bloating issues because of eating beans. I’m hispanic. So beans have been part of my daily diet ever since I can remember.

However, I do know that it is a struggle for so many people, especially vegans, because we vegans are always looking for foods that can help us get our daily protein needs.

My hope is that the benefits and tips on eating beans that I shared with you, will renew your love for them.



Liliana Alvarez

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